For the Birds Radio Program Calendar for March, 2017

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1. Laura's bionic ears! (Well, her new hearing aids) 4′48″, rerun (2015) 2. 42: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything 4′59″, new! 3. After Surgery 4′32″, new! 4.
5. 6. Rescinding the Ban on Lead Ammo 4′51″, new! 7. White-eyed Vireo 4′57″, rerun (2012) 8. Stephen Ingraham's Poems 3′44″, rerun (2016) 9. Setting Free the Evening Grosbeak 4′40″, rerun (2013) 10. Thomas Spence's beautiful, pale Pine Siskin 4′23″, new! 11.
12. 13. Snow Goose "Overpopulation" 4′43″, rerun (2013) 14. Golden-crowned Kinglet 4′07″, rerun (2008) 15. 15,354 days and counting 4′48″, new! 16. March: the Annual Betrayal of the Weather Gods 4′31″, rerun (2009) 17. Making Life a Little Kinder for a Turkey Vulture 4′08″, rerun (2001) 18.
19. 20. A Question of Balance 5′05″, new! 21. Twins and Double Yolks 4′59″, rerun (2012) 22. Robins 4′37″, rerun (2012) 23. Woodpeckers: Aldo Leopold's sawyers? 5′02″, rerun (2007) 24. Chandler Robbins 4′15″, new! 25.
26. 27. Where Are the Birds? Part I 5′00″, new! 28. Where Are the Birds? Part 2 4′57″, new! 29. First Red-wing of Spring 4′51″, rerun (2016) 30. The Day I Damaged My Hearing 4′59″, rerun (2016) 31. Chickadee Research 4′38″, rerun (2012)