Sound Recording: Northern Flicker nestling calling and feeding

Recorded on June 27, 2023 Recorded in Peabody Street, Duluth, MN

My neighbor Jeanne Tonkin discovered this splendid nest down the block from us not too far in from busy 47th Avenue East. She called me while she was still watching and I grabbed my Canon R5 with my long shotgun microphone attached and rushed right over. I took a lot of still photos, and then made the video from which I grabbed this audio recording. About 23 seconds in, the adult male flew in and fed the calling nestling and one or two siblings. This recording includes the entire feeding bout and stayed on the nestlings until they all retreated back into the cavity.The handheld video is a little shaky but shows everything. (I grabbed just the audio for this recording.) The birds fledged just a day or two later.

The photo is of the baby who was calling persistently.

Duration: 2′23″