Lilac-crowned Parrot

Amazona finschi Order: Psittaciformes Family: Psittacidae (New World and African Parrots)
Amazona finschi Order: Psittaciformes Family: Psittacidae (New World and African Parrots)

This beautiful parrot, endemic to the Pacific slopes of Mexico, is endangered there due to the horrible combination of habitat loss and the pet trade, but birds kidnapped from the wild have sometimes escaped, and some escapees have become established in southern California, where they join in nesting groups with Red-crowned Parrots in native conifer forests or areas with abundant exotic plants. Some also seem to be getting established in southern Florida. I’ve seen them in both places, and in Florida, they were associating with Red-crowned Parrots, though neither species is considered established and countable there yet.

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