For the Birds Radio Program Calendar for August, 2018

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1. Cassia Crossbills: of pinecones and squirrels 6′15″, rerun (2017) 2. Hoatzin 4′43″, rerun (2016) 3. Hummingbirds 5′13″, rerun (2014) 4.
5. 6. Seagulls 4′23″, rerun (2009) 7. Individuality of Crows 4′42″, rerun (2009) 8. Sora 5′44″, rerun (2006) 9. Bathing Swainson's Thrush 4′49″, rerun (2007) 10. Better Angels 4′58″, rerun (2011) 11.
12. 13. Of Weddings and Baseball 5′11″, new! 14. Arm and Hammer bird trading cards, Part I 4′12″, rerun (2017) 15. Arm and Hammer bird trading cards, Part II 4′59″, rerun (2017) 16. Bird Photography 5′08″, new! 17. Yellow-rumped Warbler 4′35″, rerun (2016) 18.
19. 20. Theodore Roosevelt 3′39″, rerun (2002) 21. Grassland Birds: Grazing vs. Mowing 4′55″, rerun (2008) 22. Gray Jays: The Black Labs of the Bird World 5′04″, rerun (2015) 23. Poem by Marianne Boruch's poem, "Crushed Birds" 3′53″, rerun (2015) 24. Gus's Cat Video 5′05″, rerun (2017) 25.
26. 27. Book Review: The Feather Thief by Kirk Wallace Johnson 5′26″, new! 28. Monk Parakeets 5′40″, rerun (2016) 29. Peabody Street Bobwhite 4′32″, rerun (2014) 30. Fiftieth Anniversary! 4′24″, new! 31. Moments 5′17″, rerun (2017)