For the Birds Radio Program Calendar for February, 2020

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
2. 3. Tragic News 6′22″, new! 4. Gifts from Birds and Other Internet Stories 5′03″, rerun (2015) 5. The Onion closes the tragic case of a fastball pulverizing a Mourning Dove 5′10″, rerun (2019) 6. Superb Owl Sunday, 2020 4′41″, new! 7. Laura's Best Bird EVER! House Sparrow Lullabies 4′33″, rerun (2019) 8.
9. 10. Abnormal Plumages, Part I: Bilateral Gynandromorphs 5′08″, rerun (2019) 11. The First Robin of Spring vs. the Last Robin of Winter 5′12″, rerun (2019) 12. Jack Shelton's Conversations with a Grackle 3′13″, new! 13. Valentine's Day: Brown Eyed Owl 4′15″, rerun (2019) 14. Marie's Birds 5′12″, new! 15.
16. 17. Of Caeca and Appendices 5′16″, new! 18. A Tale of Two Mortimers, Part I 4′46″, new! 19. A Tale of Two Mortimers, Part 2 4′43″, new! 20. Giving Mozart the Last Word on Starlings 5′47″, new! 21. Cardiac Rehab 5′12″, new! 22.
23. 24. Laura's Best Bird EVER! The Owl Who Lived 5′07″, new! 25. From the Archives: Great Horned Owl Drama 4′37″, rerun (2019) 26. Hiking vs. Sauntering vs. Moseying 4′59″, rerun (2018) 27. Travel and Climate: Suggestions from Jeff Price 4′31″, rerun (2016) 28. The Day I Damaged My Hearing 4′59″, rerun (2016) 29.