For the Birds Radio Program Calendar for April, 2018

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1. 2. Listener's Favorite Birds #5: Paula's Timberdoodle 4′56″, new! 3. Hiking vs. Sauntering vs. Moseying 4′59″, new! 4. Great Blue Heron 4′33″, rerun (2003) 5. Laura's Best Bird EVER! Chapter 6. Tommy's Bohemian Waxwing 3′58″, new! 6. Swans 3′50″, rerun (2000) 7.
8. 9. Laura's Best Bird EVER! Chapter 7. White Tern 5′06″, new! 10. Listener's Favorite Birds #6: Mike's Loon 5′05″, new! 11. Last moments of a dying nuthatch 5′11″, rerun (2001) 12. Laura's Best Bird EVER! Chapter 8. Five-striped Sparrow 5′11″, new! 13. Cormorant fishing (Re-recorded from original transcript) 3′20″, rerun (2003) 14.
15. 16. Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Reworked) 3′54″, rerun (2000) 17. National Poetry Month: Birdsong 4′13″, rerun (2017) 18. Dangerously Cold Weather 4′54″, new! 19. Listener Favorites: Paul Peterson's Winter Wren with a poem by John Bates 4′18″, new! 20. Listener Favorite: Val's Great Crested Flycatcher 3′38″, new! 21.
22. 23. Listener Favorite: American Bittern 5′07″, new! 24. Visiting Northern Wisconsin 5′08″, new! 25. Visiting Port Wing's South Shore School 4′21″, new! 26. Vulnerable Waterfront Birds 4′59″, rerun (2017) 27. Billy Collins's Genius 2′48″, rerun (2015) 28.
29. 30. Spring Update 4′52″, new!