For the Birds Radio Program Calendar for May, 2018

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1. Listener Favorite: Steve Dahlberg's Great Blue Heron 4′34″, new! 2. Basal Cell Carcinomas: An Occupational Hazard of Birding 4′56″, new! 3. Laura’s Best Bird EVER! ™ First Pileated Woodpecker 4′57″, new! 4. Unusually pale Song Sparrow 4′13″, rerun (2017) 5.
6. 7. Mantises: too much of a good thing? 4′35″, rerun (2017) 8. Visit to Florida 5′18″, new! 9. Review: Merlin, the Bird Identification App 4′56″, rerun (2017) 10. The Lusty Month of May on Peabody Street 4′41″, rerun (2016) 11. LBBE Buff-breasted Sandpiper 5′08″, new! 12.
13. 14. 101 Ways to Help Birds is online! 4′56″, rerun (2017) 15. Purple Finch 4′45″, rerun (2011) 16. Eastern Bluebird (2008) 4′34″, rerun (2008) 17. Summer Tanager in Duluth! 5′07″, new! 18. Oops! I lost track of time. 19.
20. 21. Monofilament 4′18″, rerun (2006) 22. The Creepiness Factor of Birdwatching 5′08″, new! 23. T.W.'s Best Bird: Red-winged Blackbird 5′14″, new! 24. Free as a Chickadee 4′30″, rerun (2007) 25. Eastern Towhee's Got a Name 4′35″, new! 26.
27. 28. Biggest Week in American Birding 4′45″, new! 29. Scale Insects and Passenger Pigeons 5′07″, rerun (2014) 30. Google Supports Cat Colonies over Owls 4′24″, new! 31. The Life and Death of a Great Gray Owl 4′58″, new!