For the Birds Radio Program Calendar for August, 2021

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1. 2. Andean Cock-of-the-rock 5′26″, rerun (2016) 3. Hoopoe! 4′48″, rerun (2014) 4. Merlins 4′32″, rerun (2011) 5. Murky Vision 6′04″, new! 6. Hummingbird vs. Kestrel 4′13″, rerun (2000) 7.
8. 9. Red-breasted Nuthatches 4′45″, rerun (2011) 10. Bad Bear! Problems with Summer Bird Feeding 4′45″, rerun (2011) 11. A Walk on the Western Waterfront Trail 4′13″, rerun (2016) 12. Hairy Woodpecker 4′30″, rerun (2012) 13. The Humanity of Scrub Jays 6′39″, rerun (2019) 14.
15. 16. Dogged Birding after the Dog Days 5′06″, new! 17. Savoring and Saving My Treasures 4′41″, rerun (2015) 18. Tiny Miracles 5′22″, new! 19. My Uncle Dick 4′40″, rerun (2000) 20. Bald Blue Jays 4′33″, rerun (2020) 21.
22. 23. Outlier Hummingbirds 5′18″, new! 24. Misidentifying Rarities 5′00″, new! 25. A Child Shall Lead Us 4′51″, rerun (2019) 26. Canada Goose Migration 5′36″, rerun (2020) 27. Ovenbird songs 5′05″, rerun (2020) 28.
29. 30. Unsung Women 7′20″, rerun (2020) 31. Interesting Hummingbird Research 5′28″, new!