For the Birds Radio Program Calendar for April, 2022

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1. Bluolingo: The first Blue Jay translation app 7′34″, new! 2.
3. 4. Sounds of Early Spring 5′39″, new! 5. Our Far-Flung Correspondents: Patricia on Australian Magpies 5′11″, new! 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11. Children's Bird Book Week 4′53″, new! 12. Children's Bird Book Week, Part 2 5′23″, new! 13. Book Review: A Warbler's Journey by Scott Weidensaul, illustrated by Nancy Lane 5′08″, new! 14. Conversation with Scott Weidensaul about A Warbler's Journey, Part I 5′13″, new! 15. Conversation with Scott Weidensaul about A Warbler's Journey, Part 2 5′52″, new! 16.
17. 18. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza 6′26″, new! 19. Spring Symphony 4′29″, new! 20. 21. 22. Bird Flu and Other Feeder Issues 5′22″, new! 23.
24. 25. 26. 27. Joy in the Backyard 5′15″, new! 28. 29. Recognizing Sparrows, Part 1: Juncos and Sparrows with Streaked Breasts 4′55″, new! 30.