For the Birds Radio Program Calendar for July, 2020

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1. Blast from the Past: Answering a Stupid Question--Nighthawk Caeca 5′33″, new! 2. 3. What to Make of a Diminished Thing 5′09″, new! 4.
5. 6. White-throated Sparrows: Singing a New Tune 4′35″, new! 7. Laura's Best Bird EVER! A Brown Thrasher and Oneupmanship over a Snarky Boss 5′11″, new! 8. More about Brown Thrashers 5′17″, new! 9. 10. Hearts! 5′15″, new! 11.
12. 13. Ravens: Smarter Than We Thought! 5′10″, new! 14. 15. A New Poem by J. Drew Lanham: Life in Hand 5′42″, new! 16. My Jalapeño Pepper Bird 2′56″, new! 17. That Peppery Taste! 5′15″, new! 18.
19. 20. Book Review: Birdsong for the Curious Naturalist 5′08″, new! 21. A Conversation with Don Kroodsma, Part 1: A Sense of Wonder 3′57″, new! 22. A Conversation with Don Kroodsma, Part 2: White-throated Sparrow 6′18″, new! 23. A Conversation with Don Kroodsma, Part 3: Sandhill Crane 5′25″, new! 24. A Conversation with Don Kroodsma, Part 4: Connecticut Warbler 5′17″, new! 25.
26. 27. Birds of Late Summer 5′12″, new! 28. 29. Flickers 4′12″, new! 30. 31. Laura's Best Bird EVER! Baby Flickers 6′27″, new!