For the Birds Radio Program Calendar for September, 2020

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1. 2. Canada Goose Migration 5′36″, new! 3. 4. What's in a Name? Part I 4′04″, new! 5.
6. 7. What's in a Name? Part 2 5′52″, new! 8. 9. Fun with Blue Jays 5′17″, new! 10. Fall Migration Update 5′10″, new! 11. Grousing about viruses 5′03″, new! 12.
13. 14. Yard List 4′56″, new! 15. 16. Drama on Peabody Street 5′11″, rerun (2018) 17. Massive bird die-off in New Mexico 5′10″, new! 18. Backyard Fun 5′10″, new! 19.
20. 21. Smith's Longspur! 5′06″, new! 22. Moments 5′17″, rerun (2017) 23. Backyard Surveillance 5′00″, new! 24. 25. Evolution 4′37″, rerun (2010) 26.
27. 28. Sam Cook's Ravens and New Information about Pair Bonds 7′16″, rerun (2019) 29. For the Mammals 4′59″, new! 30. Ovenbird songs 5′05″, new!